
Reset Password

Help Guides

To reset your Jolly Classroom teacher account’s password. Please follow these steps: 1. Visit Jolly Classroom on web or your respective device. Web : https://app.jollyclassroom.com/ 2. Visit the Login page by clicking the “Get Started” link:

  1. Click on “Login” button:
  1. Press the “Forgot Password” link:
  1. Enter your email and press continue:
  1. After this, you will receive an email with the password reset link. Click on that email, enter new credentials to reset your password.
  1. Try logging in with your newly reset password on the Jolly Classroom app. Web : https://app.jollyclassroom.com/|
  2. In case you continue to face issues, please send an email with the same email address to support@jollyclassroom.com and we will help you out with your questions, including manually resetting credentials if required.